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Extended teams in het beroepsonderwijs: Samenwerken op de grens

Title: Extended teams in het beroepsonderwijs: Samenwerken op de grens Authors: Mazereeuw, Marco; Wopereis, Iwan; McKenney, Susan Abstract: De aansluiting tussen leren van studenten op de werkplek en op de opleiding is voor zowel docenten als werkplekbegeleiders een bron van ontevredenheid. Extended Teams (ET’s), waarin docenten en werkplekbegeleiders samen zorg dragen voor de kwaliteit van het onderwijs, worden gezien als mogelijke oplossing voor het aansluitingsprobleem (Nieuwenhuis, Nijman, Kat, De Jong, De Ries, & Van Vijfeijken, 2011). Zij opereren op de grens van opleiding en werkplek en kunnen derhalve worden gezien als ‘boundary crossers’ die beide contexten met elkaar kunnen verbinden (cf. Akkerman & Bakker, 2011). Wij onderzoeken ET’s binnen het MBO en HBO en richten ons op het functioneren van het team als geheel en het functioneren van een individu binnen een team. Er wordt gekeken naar veranderingen in tijd met als uiteindelijke doel om gepaste ondersteuning vorm te kunnen geven voor verschillende ontwikkelfasen die ET’s doorlopen wanneer ze aan een bepaalde opdracht werken. De resultaten die in dit paper worden gepresenteerd bouwen voort op McKenney, Mazereeuw en Wopereis (2013). Description: Mazereeuw, M., Wopereis, I., & McKenney, S. (2014, June). Extended teams in het beroepsonderwijs: Samenwerken op de grens [Extended teams in vocational education: Collaborating where borders meet]. In J. Voogt (Chair), Ontwerpen en onderzoeken in docententeams [Design and research in teacher teams]. Symposium conducted at the Onderwijs Research Dagen [Educational Research Days], Groningen, the Netherlands.

Design, development and implementation of inclusive education.

Title: Design, development and implementation of inclusive education. Authors: Mooij, Ton; Smeets, Ed Abstract: In inclusive education different pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and high ability pupils, can be stimulated to learn according to their capacities and potentials. The research question concentrates on the design features of inclusive education that will optimally promote the motivation and learning processes and outcomes of all pupils, and how relevant changes can be developed and implemented in educational practice. A model of guidelines concerning 'multilevel contextual learning theory' was expected to aid in designing psychologically appropriate learning processes and motivating educational, organisational, and managerial characteristics and procedures for all pupils. From 2003 to 2005, a pilot in which researchers and teachers collaborated was carried out in three Dutch pre-schools. Initial findings resulted in the development of a prototype of a pedagogical-didactic kernel or competence structure and a prototype of lnternet-based software. Using these results, the screening of children's entry characteristics by infant day care teachers, parents, and preschool teachers was developed and implemented in practice. Construction and use of diagnostically based instructional, playing, and learning procedures were first based on the screening results. The preschools differed much in rates of development and implementation. It is concluded that the proposed approach to the design, development and implementation of inclusive education that was applied seems promising in realising desired progress with pupils in early educational practice. However, policy and financial support are necessary to make more progress.

Theoretical and methodological significance of Information and Communication Technology in educational practice.

Title: Theoretical and methodological significance of Information and Communication Technology in educational practice. Authors: Mooij, Ton Abstract: In September 1998 the Research Network ‘ICT in Education and Training’ was initiated at the conference of the European Educational Research Association (EERA). The new network reflected the recognition and growing importance of information and communication technology (ICT) with respect to education and learning processes. Since its initiation, a stable number of more than 50 ICT-oriented contributions from all over Europe and abroad have been presented yearly at the educational conferences of EERA. To further develop and promote the network, I selected some exemplary contributions to the EERA conference in 2005. The focus was on promising theoretical and methodological papers that could make future-oriented transformation claims more concrete, as much as possible in reliable and valid ways. This includes a concentration on theoretical analysis and reflection, the necessary systemic design of education to promote and optimise learning processes and effects, the integration of multilevel organizational and managerial support facilities, and appropriate procedures to administer or monitor and evaluate learning in and outside school.

Contextual learning theory: Concrete form and a software prototype to improve early education.

Title: Contextual learning theory: Concrete form and a software prototype to improve early education. Authors: Mooij, Ton Abstract: In 'contextual learning theory' three types of contextual conditions (differentiation of learning procedures and materials, integrated ICT support, and improvement of development and learning progress) are related to four aspects of the learning process (diagnostic, instructional, managerial, and systemic aspects). The resulting structure consists of 15 guidelines which are expected to improve instruction and learning across different situations. The present study was conducted to give concrete form to two general guidelines with respect to differentiation and five guidelines with respect to integrated ICT support. The products were a 'pedagogical-didactic kernel structure' and a general software prototype. In collaboration with three preschool teachers in The Netherlands, both products were used to give concrete form to a first guideline on improvement of development and learning progress in practice. This concerned an intake procedure on the estimation and use of children's entry characteristics by parents and preschool teacher. Information is given about improvement experiences in early educational practice. Further research and development steps are discussed.

Design of educational and ICT conditions to integrate differences in learning: Contextual learning theory and a first transformation step in early education.

Title: Design of educational and ICT conditions to integrate differences in learning: Contextual learning theory and a first transformation step in early education. Authors: Mooij, Ton Abstract: Educational differentiation and ICT can be designed to better recognize and integrate learning differences across students particularly by assisting instructional management and the self-regulation of students. A conceptual framework for such practice is elaborated here. First, learning as an interactional co-constructive process at various levels is considered. The diagnostic, instructional, management, and system aspects of the learning process can be stimulated and maximized. Second, differentiation of learning procedures and materials, design of integrating ICT support, and improvement of development and learning progress are recommended as contextual conditions to optimize the learning process. The combination of the learning aspects with these contextual conditions provides theoretical guidelines for the transition from a nondifferentiating system of education to a differentiating, ICT-based system of instructional management for all students. Information is given about the realization of two of the differentiation guidelines and all ICT design guidelines. The first products were used in kindergarten, to start the improvement of educational practice. This occurred in co-development with kindergarten teachers of three Dutch kindergartens. Information is given about the process and outcomes of this first transformation step in practice. Finally, next co-development steps are discussed.

Effects of task complexity on online search behavior of adolescents

Title: Effects of task complexity on online search behavior of adolescents Authors: Walhout, Jaap; Oomen, Paula; Jarodzka, Halszka; Brand-Gruwel, Saskia Abstract: Evaluation of information during information problem solving processes already starts when trying to select the appropriate search result on a search engine results page (SERP). Up to now, research has mainly focused on the evaluation of webpages while the evaluation of SERPs received less attention. Furthermore, task complexity is often not taken into account. A within subjects design was used to study the influence of task complexity on search query formulation, evaluation of search results and task performance. Three search tasks were used: a fact-finding, cause–effect, and a controversial topic task. To measure perceptual search processes, we used a combination of log files, eye-tracking data, answer forms and think aloud protocols. Results reveal that an increase in task complexity results in more search queries and used keywords, more time to formulate search queries and more considered search results on the SERPs. Furthermore, higher ranked search results were considered more often than lower ranked results. However, not all the results for the most complex task were in line with the expectations. These conflicting results can be explained by a lack of prior knowledge and the possible interference of prior attitudes.

Hoe draagt formatief toetsen bij aan het ondersteunen van de overgang tussen basisonderwijs en voortgezet onderwijs door vroege training van zelfregulatie vaardigheden bij basisschoolleerlingen? [How does formative assessment supports the transition between primary and secondary education?]

Title: Hoe draagt formatief toetsen bij aan het ondersteunen van de overgang tussen basisonderwijs en voortgezet onderwijs door vroege training van zelfregulatie vaardigheden bij basisschoolleerlingen? [How does formative assessment supports the transition between primary and secondary education?] Authors: Meusen-Beekman, Kelly; Joosten-ten Brinke, Desirée; Boshuizen, Els Abstract: De overgang van basisonderwijs naar voortgezet onderwijs kan als complex ervaren worden. Mogelijk doordat er in het voortgezet onderwijs een groot beroep gedaan wordt op zelfregulatie vaardigheden, zoals planning, kennis-activatie, metacognitieve monitoring en regulatie, en reflectie. Basisschoolleerlingen beschikken niet altijd over deze vaardigheden. Onderzoek wijst uit dat leerlingen die beschikken over zelfregulatie vaardigheden beter presteren (Cleary & Zimmerman, 2001). Zelfregulerend leren in het basisonderwijs zou gebaseerd moeten zijn op de ontwikkeling van een strategie-repertoire en feedback op het gebruik ervan. In het voortgezet onderwijs zou het accent moeten liggen op metacognitie, metacognitieve reflectie en het nut van de inzet van zelfregulatie strategieën (Dignath & Buettner, 2008). In dit onderzoek wordt onderzocht of formatieve assessments in het basisonderwijs bij kunnen dragen aan de ontwikkeling van zelfregulerend leren en daardoor een bijdrage kunnen leveren aan het verbeteren van de overgang naar het voortgezet onderwijs. Description: Meusen-Beekman, K., Joosten-ten Brinke, D., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2013). Hoe draagt formatief toetsen bij aan het ondersteunen van de overgang tussen basisonderwijs en voortgezet onderwijs door vroege training van zelfregulatie vaardigheden bij basisschoolleerlingen? [How does formative assessment supports the transition between primary and secondary education?]. Paper bij de masterclass ‘Hoe balancer je formatief en summatief toetsen?’ [How to balance formative and summative assessment?], Heerlen, The Netherlands.

The Influence of Self-efficacy and Goal Orientation on Learning Behavior: The Intervening Role of Feedback

Title: The Influence of Self-efficacy and Goal Orientation on Learning Behavior: The Intervening Role of Feedback Authors: Geitz, Gerry; Joosten-ten Brinke, Desirée; Kirschner, Paul A. Abstract: In this study, the relationship between self-efficacy, goal orientation and feedback is examined to influence the learning behavior corresponding to the state of self-efficacy and the adopted goal orientation. The ultimate aim is to influence learning behavior in order to increase learning outcomes. Description: Geitz, G., Joosten-ten Brinke, D., & Kirschner, P. (2013). The Influence of Self-efficacy and Goal Orientation on Learning Behavior: The Intervening Role of Feedback. Paper bij de masterclass ‘Hoe balanceer je formatief en summatief toetsen?’ [How to balance formative and summative assessment?], Heerlen, The Netherlands.

Subjective sleepiness and sleep quality in adolescents are related to objective and subjective measures of school performance

Title: Subjective sleepiness and sleep quality in adolescents are related to objective and subjective measures of school performance Authors: Boschloo, Annemarie; Krabbendam, Lydia; Dekker, Sanne; Lee, Nikki; De Groot, Renate; Jolles, Jelle Abstract: This study investigated the relation between sleep and school performance in a large sam- ple of 561 adolescents aged 11–18 years. Three subjective measures of sleep were used: sleepiness, sleep quality, and sleep duration. They were compared to three measures of school performance: objective school grades, self-reported school performance, and parent-reported school performance. Sleepiness – “I feel sleepy during the first hours at school” – appeared to predict both school grades and self-reported school performance. Sleep quality on the other hand – as a measure of (un)interrupted sleep and/or prob- lems falling asleep or waking up – predicted parent-reported school performance. Self- and parent-reported school performance correlated only moderately with school grades. So it turns out that the measures used to measure either sleep or school performance impacts whether or not a relation is found. Further research on sleep and school perfor- mance should take this into account. The findings do underscore the notion that sleep in adolescence can be important for learning. They are compatible with the hypothesis that a reduced sleep quality can give rise to sleepiness in the first hours at school which results in lower school performance. This notion could have applied value in counseling adolescents and their parents in changing adolescents’ sleep behavior.

What and how advanced medical students learn from reasoning through multiple cases

Title: What and how advanced medical students learn from reasoning through multiple cases Authors: Boshuizen, Els; Van de Wiel, Margje; Schmidt, Henk Abstract: The study reported in this article concerns the questions what and how fourth-year medical students can learn from a series of cases that have a similar underlying problem. This question is crucial in the theoretical sense as it looks at mechanisms of updating and improving knowledge structures, which are conjectured to consist of ‘illness scripts’, which integrate knowledge about enabling conditions for a disease, the underlying fault, and the consequences or signs and symptoms of the disease. It was found that much learning was implicit, whilst students explicitly paid attention to variations in enabling conditions and consequences, which led to improvement of these knowledge components. Integration of biomedical knowledge into the fault component was, however, hampered by lack of knowledge and by misconceptions that students were unable to debug in the absence of learning resources or detailed feedback. The practical importance of this study stems from its close parallels to the learning situation in clinical practice, where patients (or cases) are the most important learning resources, whilst feedback on results is often minimal. Implications and possible solutions for clinical teaching are discussed.

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