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7 Things You Should Know About Educational Design Research

Title: 7 Things You Should Know About Educational Design Research Authors: Reeves, Thomas; McKenney, Susan Abstract: Educational design research (EDR) addresses educational problems in real-world settings and has two primary goals: to develop knowledge, and to develop solutions. EDR tends to evolve through three main phases—analysis, design, and evaluation—each of which may be repeated multiple times. EDR is particularly powerful because it addresses real needs in the here-and-now through the development of a solution to a problem, while also generating knowledge that can be used in the future. It can offer researchers and practitioners the opportunity to produce interventions of real value—tools, approaches, theories, and products—tested in the field and shown to be effective. The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning technologies. Each brief focuses on a single technology and describes what it is, where it is going, and why it matters to teaching and learning. Use these briefs for a no-jargon, quick overview of a topic and share them with time-pressed colleagues. Description: Reeves, T., & McKenney, S. (2012). 7 Things You Should Know About Educational Design Research. Educause 7 Things Series. Available online: http://www.educause.edu/library/resources/7-things-you-should-know-about-educational-design-research.

Teachers’ positioning towards an educational innovation in the light of ownership, sense-making and agency

Title: Teachers’ positioning towards an educational innovation in the light of ownership, sense-making and agency Authors: Ketelaar, Evelien; Beijaard, Douwe; Boshuizen, Els; Den Brok, Perry Abstract: The positioning of eleven teachers towards an innovation was studied in the light of ownership, sense-making and agency. Semi-structured and video-stimulated interviews were used for data collection. The findings show that these three concepts are useful for describing similarities and differences between teachers in terms of their positioning towards the innovation. Considerable differences were found between teachers regarding their ownership, sense-making, and agency. Exploring the relations between these concepts revealed that a high degree of agency often went together with a high degree of ownership, but seemed to be moderated by the sense-making process Description: Ketelaar, E., Beijaard, D., Boshuizen, H. P. A., & Den Brok, P. J. (2012). Teachers’ positioning towards an educational innovation in the light of ownership, sense-making and agency. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(2), 273-282. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.10.004

Toward an integrated analysis of verbal and visual data: The quest for expertise indicators

Title: Toward an integrated analysis of verbal and visual data: The quest for expertise indicators Authors: Boshuizen, Els; Jarodzka, Halszka; Jaarsma, Thomas Abstract: Medical expertise studies so far have mainly used verbal presentations of cases. These verbal presentations make that visual search and detection of symptoms are bypassed. Hence differences in that respect are not part of present medical expertise theories. Recently we have conducted a study in the domain of pathology, a visual domain par excellence, in which we compared medical students, residents and experienced pathologists (N=38) on seven cases. We collected diagnostic accuracy, think-aloud, eye-movement and navigation data (i.e., zooming and panning of digital slides), revealing (the interaction between) cognitive, perceptual and manipulatory processes. Earlier research suggests ways to analyse the separate data sets, but every data set also brings analysis problems on the table that have not been dealt with before as they are related to the features of this specific field. Examples are: How to identify encapsulated concepts in a visual domain? How to analyse eye tracking data on dynamic and manipulable images, more precisely areas of interest that change location and size on a manipulable image, or smooth pursuit eye movements following motion across the screen? And which indicators are most suitable to chart these processes? We expect, however, that the most interesting information will come from the integrated, time locked analysis of the three data sets. So far the medical domain does not provide examples to build on, but studies done in the linguistic domain may be helpful to develop strategies (e.g., Holsanova, 2008; Richardson & Dale, 2005). In this presentation example protocols will be presented, and the challenges and possible ways to a solution in the analyses will be discussed. Description: Boshuizen, H. P. A., Jarodzka, H., & Jaarsma, T. (2012, 22-23 October). Toward an integrated analysis of verbal and visual data: The quest for expertise indicators. Paper presented at the 'New tools and practices for seeing and learning in medicine '12' seminar, Turku, Finland.

The influence of annotation in graphical organizers

Title: The influence of annotation in graphical organizers Authors: Bezdan, Eniko; Kester, Liesbeth; Kirschner, Paul A. Abstract: The effect of annotation in graphical organizers of hypertext learning environments was examined on learning outcomes of low and high prior-knowledge learners for knowledge acquisition and comprehension. Description: Bezdan, E., Kester, L., & Kirschner, P. A. (2012, 29-31 August). The influence of annotation in graphical organizers. Poster presented at the biannual meeting of the EARLI Special Interest Group Comprehension of Text and Graphics, Grenoble, France.

The worked example and expertise reversal effect in less structured tasks: Learning to reason about legal cases

Title: The worked example and expertise reversal effect in less structured tasks: Learning to reason about legal cases Authors: Nievelstein, Fleurie; Van Gog, Tamara; Van Dijck, Gijs; Boshuizen, Els Abstract: The worked example effect indicates that learning by studying worked examples is more effective than learning by solving the equivalent problems. The expertise reversal effect indicates that this is only the case for novice learners; once prior knowledge of the task is available problem solving becomes more effective for learning. These effects, however, have mainly been studied using highly structured tasks. This study investigated whether they also occur on less structured tasks, in this case, learning to reason about legal cases. Less structured tasks take longer to master, and hence, examples may remain effective for a longer period of time. Novice and advanced law students received either a description of general process steps they should take, worked examples, worked examples including the process steps, or no instructional support for reasoning. Results show that worked examples were more effective for learning than problem-solving, both for novice and advanced students, even though the latter had significantly more prior knowledge. So, a worked example effect was found for both novice and advanced students, and no evidence for an expertise-reversal effect was found with these less structured tasks. Description: Nievelstein, F., Van Gog, T., Van Dijck, G., & Boshuizen, H. P. A. (2013). The worked example and expertise reversal effect in less structured tasks: Learning to reason about legal cases. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 118–125.

Weblogs as learning tools for aspirant reflective practitioners

Title: Weblogs as learning tools for aspirant reflective practitioners Authors: Wopereis, Iwan; Sloep, Peter Abstract: Weblogs, a mainstream social software, allow for externalizing thinking processes and subsequent review, and thus offer rich opportunities for modelling, reflection and feedback. We studied the assumption that weblogs are suitable tools to support and stimulate reflection on action in teacher training in the Netherlands. At the Alpine Rendez-Vous we would like to discuss the findings of our study, which include moderate positive findings with regard to reflection learning and technology use. Both (instructional) design issues and concerns related to the implementation of weblogs will be presented (e.g., the relation with e-portfolio). In addition, we would like to consider the redefinition of teacher training expertise needed for using weblog technology and the role of the (incipient) expert in the context of Web 2.0-powered changes in knowledge creation. Description: Wopereis, I., & Sloep, P. B. (2013, January-February). Weblogs as learning tools for aspirant reflective practitioners. Position paper presented at the Workshop on Technology support for reflecting on experiences and sharing them across learning contexts at the Alpine Rendez-Vous 2013, Villard-de-Lans, France.

Understanding the Gap between Business School and the Workplace

Title: Understanding the Gap between Business School and the Workplace Authors: Bijker, Monique Abstract: This dissertation investigates how well students in business administration are prepared for the requirements of the workplace from the perspective of employers, graduates, and students. Employers expect a high level of domain-specific knowledge, and a broad range of flexibly applied thinking skills. They assume that authentic tasks, which are put central in business curricula, will mediate these competencies. Graduates self-report gaps between the competencies they have acquired during business education programs, and the competencies that are required at the workplace, which negatively affect their labour market success one year and a half after graduation. They report deficiencies in domain-specific knowledge, logical reasoning, learning skills, cooperating productively, foreign languages and ICT skills. A comparison of authentic task performances of students from a competency-based, mixed, and traditional business education program- just before graduation - indicates that students from the competency-based program outperform students from the mixed and traditional programs on aspects of problem solving. However, the achieved level of problem solving is disappointing in all programs, and declines in the first one year and a half after graduation, whereas self-perceptions of competencies and self-directed learning increase in the same period. Description: Bijker, M. (2013). Understanding the Gap between Business School and the Workplace: Overconfidence, maximizing Benefits and the Curriculum. Doctoral Thesis. March, 22, 2013. Heerlen, The Netherlands: Open Universiteit in the Netherlands.

Seksuele geaardheid, ervaren geweld en gevoelens van onveiligheid van schoolpersoneel en leerlingen

Title: Seksuele geaardheid, ervaren geweld en gevoelens van onveiligheid van schoolpersoneel en leerlingen Authors: Mooij, Ton Abstract: De seksuele geaardheid van een persoon kan zijn gericht op het andere geslacht (hetero-seksueel), het eigen geslacht (lesbisch (L) of homoseksueel (H)), of beide geslachten (biseksueel (B)). Er zijn aanwijzingen dat LHB schoolpersoneel en LHB leerlingen in scholen meer geweld en onveiligheid ervaren dan andere personen. De vraagstelling voor onderzoek is of er een maat kan worden ontwikkeld waarmee verschillen in veilig-heid en veiligheidsbeleving van niet- versus wel-LHB schoolpersoneel en leerlingen kunnen worden geïndiceerd; tevens is de vraag of zich hierbij verschillen voordoen in de loop van de tijd. Ter beantwoording zijn vier kernbegrippen gedefinieerd die indiceren of en, zo ja, in welke mate LHB personeel en LHB leerlingen op een school méér geweld ervaren, of zich op school onveiliger voelen, dan niet-LHB personeel en niet-LHB leerlingen. Er worden secundaire analyses uitgevoerd op data verkregen met de sociale veiligheidsmonitor van het Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociale wetenschappen (ITS) van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. In 2006, 2008 en 2010 zijn landelijk representatieve gegevens verkregen in het voortgezet (speciaal) onderwijs. Deelnemende aantallen per jaar zijn respextievelijk: scholen 214, 219, 140; personeel 6.800, 6.200, 5.300; leerlingen 80.000, 78.000, 58.000. Empirische indicatoren van de kernbegrippen worden per school gebaseerd op Mokken Schalen en Cronbach Alpha Schalen. De re-sultaten tonen dat LHB personeelsleden zich in 2006, 2008 en 2010 gemiddeld onveili-ger voelen op school dan niet-LHB personeelsleden. LHB leerlingen rapporteren in 2008 en 2010 méér geweld te ervaren dan niet-LHB leerlingen; hier doet zich van 2008 naar 2010 een significante toename voor. LHB leerlingen voelen zich in alle drie meetjaren ook onveiliger op school dan niet-LHB leerlingen. Tussen 2008 en 2010 neemt ook dit verschil significant toe. Bij de leerlingen hangen LHB geweldervaring en LHB onveilig voelen samen, in alle drie meetjaren. Er zijn geen samenhangen tussen LHB schoolindicatoren van personeel en die van leerlingen. Verdere benutting van de LHB schoolindicatoren in longitudinale schoolinterventies en de sociale veiligheidsmonitor wordt aanbevolen. Description: Mooij, T. (2013). Seksuele geaardheid, ervaren geweld en gevoelens van onveiligheid van schoolpersoneel en leerlingen. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek (in druk).

Observatie van voorlichtingslessen seksuele diversiteit in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: een pilot onderzoek

Title: Observatie van voorlichtingslessen seksuele diversiteit in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: een pilot onderzoek Authors: Mooij, Ton; Fettelaar, Daan Abstract: De seksuele gerichtheid van een persoon is veelal heteroseksueel (gericht op het andere ge-slacht). Varianten hierop zijn het lesbisch (L), homoseksueel (H), en biseksueel (B) zijn; ook kan men transgender (T) zijn. Personen gekenmerkt door LHBT worden regelmatig gediscri-mineerd of ook intolerant behandeld. Ter mogelijke ondervanging hiervan bij leerlingen geven voorlichtingsgroepen lessen over LHBT. Om meer te weten over deze lessen en zo mogelijk de kwaliteit daarvan (beter) te ondersteunen, hebben COC Nederland en EduDivers een beperkt pilotonderzoek laten uitvoeren. Door middel van observatie van LHBT-voorlichtingslessen in verschillende typen Voortgezet Onderwijs diende een eerste beeld van deze lessen te worden verkregen. De semigestructureerde observatie werd uitgevoerd in 10 scholen, verspreid in Nederland, in oktober - december 2011. Geobserveerd werden 24 lessen gegeven door negen verschillende voorlichtingsgroepen. De observatiebeschrijvingen zijn kwalitatief geanalyseerd. De resultaten geven zicht op kenmerken van de lessen, het voorlichtersgedrag en de lesinhouden, materialen, werkvormen en opvallende lesaspecten in relatie tot leerlinggedrag. Van belang voor de voorlichtingspraktijk zijn met name het coming out-verhaal; het open omgaan met (verschillen tussen) leerlingen; en inzet van werk- en spelvormen om de betrokkenheid van leerlingen positief te stimuleren. De resultaten zijn besproken in een landelijke feedbackbijeenkomst met voorlichtingsgroepen. In de discussie wordt de mogelijke kern van LHBT-voorlichtingslessen geformuleerd; aandacht gegeven aan de inpassing ervan in school- en curriculumbeleid; en komen suggesties voor praktische verbeterpunten bij de lessen aan de orde. Description: Mooij, T., & Fettelaar, D. (2013). Observatie van voorlichtingslessen seksuele diversiteit in het Voortgezet Onderwijs: een pilot onderzoek. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek (in druk).

Onderwijs en cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen: Tussenbalans van interventie in Leonardoscholen

Title: Onderwijs en cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen: Tussenbalans van interventie in Leonardoscholen Authors: Mooij, Ton Abstract: Onderzoek naar onderwijs voor cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen laat zien dat curricula en leerprocessen aan vergaande eisen moeten voldoen. In een theoretisch interventiemodel wordt uitgewerkt welke schoolontwikkeling de realisatie van optimaliserend onderwijs voor cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen kan ondersteunen. De onderzoeksopzet betreft een experimenteel pretest–interventie–posttest design in Leonardoscholen voor cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen. In 2009 zijn tien Leonardoscholen random getrokken uit een populatie van 38 scholen. Vijf Leonardoscholen zijn random toegewezen aan de experimentele conditie; de overige vijf aan de controleconditie. Dit artikel geeft informatie over het theoretische interventiemodel met kenmerken op school- en leerlingniveau; de longitudinale onderzoeksopzet; de kenmerken van de interventie; en de tussenresultaten wat betreft de implementatie van de interventie in de schoolpraktijk. Deze resultaten verhelderen dat realisatie van de interventie vooral wordt bedreigd door schoolfactoren die niet overeenkomen met het leerlingbelang. Een aanpassing van het onderzoek wordt voorgesteld. Ook wordt de relevantie van het onderzoek voor het reguliere onderwijs toegelicht. Description: Mooij, T. (2013). Onderwijs en cognitief hoogbegaafde leerlingen: Tussenbalans van interventie in Leonardoscholen. Tijdschrift voor Orthopedagogiek (in druk).

Efficiënte softwaretraining met taakgerichte e-learning

Title: Efficiënte softwaretraining met taakgerichte e-learning Authors: Wopereis, Iwan; Van der Baaren, John Abstract: Dit paper beschrijft een onderzoek naar de effecten van een state-of-the-art online training die specifiek ontwikkeld is ten behoeve van de invoering van een nieuwe versie van een software applicatie voor de registratie van patiënt gegevens (EPD). De e-learning werd ontworpen op basis van een analyse van meest voorkomende taken. Deze analyse leidde tot het onderscheiden van vier gebruikersgroepen waarvoor een aangepaste training werd ontworpen. Een (hele) taakbenadering vormde het uitgangspunt voor het ontwerp van de training. In zes weken tijd volgden bijna 2000 werknemers van Mondriaan (een Nederlandse GGZ instelling) de training. De training bleek zowel efficiënt (gemiddelde doorlooptijd voldeed aan eisen) als effectief (op basis testresultaten en vragenlijstonderzoek vier weken na ingebruikname van de nieuwe software). Description: Wopereis, I., & Van der Baaren, J. (2013, May). Efficiënte softwaretraining met taakgerichte e-learning [Efficient software training with task-based e-learning]. Paper presented at the Onderwijs Research Dagen [Educational Research Days], Brussels, Belgium. Please see also: http://hdl.handle.net/1820/4961

Extended teams in het beroepsonderwijs: Samen uit, samen thuis?

Title: Extended teams in het beroepsonderwijs: Samen uit, samen thuis? Authors: McKenney, Susan; Mazereeuw, Marco; Wopereis, Iwan Abstract: In het middelbaar en hoger beroepsonderwijs zijn zowel docenten als werkplekbegeleiders ontevreden met de aansluiting tussen het leren van studenten binnen de opleiding en op de werkplek. Extended Teams (ET’s), waarin docenten en werkplekbegeleiders samen zorg dragen voor de kwaliteit van het onderwijs, worden gezien als mogelijke oplossing voor het aansluitingsprobleem. Wij onderzoeken ET’s binnen het MBO en HBO en richten ons op het functioneren van het team als geheel en het functioneren van een individu binnen een team. Er wordt gekeken naar veranderingen in tijd met als uiteindelijke doel om gepaste ondersteuning vorm te kunnen geven voor verschillende ontwikkelfasen die ET’s doorlopen wanneer ze aan een bepaalde opdracht werken. Description: McKenney, S., Mazereeuw, M., & Wopereis, I. (2013, May). Extended teams in het beroepsonderwijs: Samen uit, samen thuis? [Extended teams in vocational education: Out together, home together?]. In J. Voogt (Chair), Samen onderzoeken of ontwerpen: De rol van samenwerking in docententeams [Doing research or design together: The role of collaboration in teacher teams]. Symposium conducted at the Onderwijs Research Dagen [Educational Research Days], Brussels, Belgium. Please see also http://hdl.handle.net/1820/4963

Adult Learning Open University Determinants study (ALOUD): physical activity associated with study success

Title: Adult Learning Open University Determinants study (ALOUD): physical activity associated with study success Authors: Gijselaers, Jérôme; De Groot, Renate; Kirschner, Paul A. Abstract: This is the reviewed abstract for the ISBNPA conference proposal for a poster presentation Description: Gijselaers, H. J. M., De Groot, R. H. M., & Kirschner, P. A. (2013, 23 May). Adult Learning Open University Determinants study (ALOUD): physical activity associated with study success. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the International Society for Behaviour on Nutrition and Physical Activity, Ghent, Belgium.

Objectively versus subjectively measured physical activity: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents

Title: Objectively versus subjectively measured physical activity: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents Authors: Van Dijk, Martin; De Groot, Renate; Savelberg, Hans; Van Acker, Frederik; Kirschner, Paul A. Abstract: An increasing amount of research supports a positive association between physical activity and cognitive performance or academic achievement. The majority of these studies focused on children or older adults, while less is known about these associations in adolescents. Moreover, in studies on the associations between physical activity and cognitive performance / academic achievement in adolescents, questionnaires (i.e. self-report) were used to measure physical activity. This subjective measure of physical activity has been found to have several limitations, such as social desirability and recall bias. Therefore, associations between objectively measured physical activity and cognition / academic achievement in Dutch adolescents, controlling for relevant covariates, were investigated in this study Description: Van Dijk, M. L., De Groot, R. H. M., Savelberg, H. C. M., Van Acker, F. H. M., & Kirschner, P. A. (2013, 25 May). Objectively versus subjectively measured physical activity: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents. Poster presentation at the ISBNPA conference 2013, Ghent, Belgium.

Physical activity before school, including active commuting to school: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents

Title: Physical activity before school, including active commuting to school: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents Authors: Van Dijk, Martin; De Groot, Renate; Van Acker, Frederik; Savelberg, Hans; Kirschner, Paul A. Abstract: Active Commuting to School (ACS) may improve cognition and academic achievement in adolescents by two mechanisms. First, ACS may contribute to overall physical activity levels, which is positively associated with cognition / academic achievement in children and older adults. Second, an acute bout of exercise (ACS = an acute bout of exercise immediately before the start of the school) may immediately increase cognition and academic achievement in children. Thus far, only one study investigated the association between ACS and cognition in adolescents and found a positive association in girls3, corrected for extracurricular physical activity. However, ACS was based on self-report, which has several limitations, such as recall bias and social desirability. In addition, nothing is known yet about the association between ACS and academic achievement in adolescents. Therefore, associations between objectively measured active commuting to school and cognition / academic achievement in adolescents were investigated in this study. Description: Van Dijk, M. L., De Groot, R. H. M., Van Acker, F. H. M., Savelberg, H. C. M., & Kirschner, P. A. (2013, 25 May). Physical activity before school, including active commuting to school: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents. Poster presentation at the ISBNPA conference 2013, Ghent, Belgium.

Objectively versus subjectively measured physical activity: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents

Title: Objectively versus subjectively measured physical activity: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents Authors: Van Dijk, Martin; De Groot, Renate; Van Acker, Frederik; Savelberg, Hans; Kirschner, Paul A. Abstract: An increasing amount of research supports a positive association between physical activity and cognitive performance or academic achievement. The majority of these studies focused on children or older adults, while less is known about these associations in adolescents. Moreover, in studies on the associations between physical activity and cognitive performance / academic achievement in adolescents, questionnaires (i.e. self-report) were used to measure physical activity. This subjective measure of physical activity has been found to have several limitations, such as social desirability and recall bias. Therefore, associations between objectively measured physical activity and cognition / academic achievement in Dutch adolescents, controlling for relevant covariates, were investigated in this study. Description: Van Dijk, M. L., De Groot, R. H. M., Van Acker, F. H. M., Savelberg, H. C. M., & Kirschner, P. A. (2013, 18 June). Objectively versus subjectively measured physical activity: associations with cognition and academic achievement in adolescents. Poster presentation at the ICAMPAM conference 2013, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.

Formal education of curriculum and instructional designers

Title: Formal education of curriculum and instructional designers Authors: McKenney, Susan; Visscher-Voerman, Irene Abstract: In practice, few researchers and designers have strong conceptual understanding of the marriage between the design discipline and scientific research traditions. Rather, most have strong exposure to either research methodologies or instructional design methods, theories and/or practices. Within the faculty of Behavioral Sciences, the University of Twente offers an education program in which design and research traditions are intertwined. This program has been shaped by four main concepts: initiation in professional roles; focus on instrumental and alternate design approaches; introduction to generic and domain-specific practices; and explicitly linking educational design and research. This paper examines the ways in which research and design are brought together in Twente’s educational program, and offers critical reflections on how it might be better aligned with recent developments which place high value on design research and especially the societal relevance of (in this case, educational) research. Description: McKenney, S., & Visscher-Voerman, I. (2013). Formal education of curriculum and instructional designers. Educational Designer, 2(6). Available online: http://www.educationaldesigner.org/ed/volume2/issue6/article20/index.htm

Language Learning and Design-Based Research: Increased complexity for sure, enhanced impact perhaps

Title: Language Learning and Design-Based Research: Increased complexity for sure, enhanced impact perhaps Authors: Reeves, Thomas; McKenney, Susan Abstract: As a distinct genre of educational research, design-based research (DBR) is especially appropriate for advancing the state-of-the-art of computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Since its emergence two decades ago, DBR has become increasingly adopted by educational researchers working in educational technology, the learning sciences, and several other areas. A few researchers have pioneered the application DBR in CALL, but there is a need for much more research of this kind across the CALL community. The paper describes the rationale for DBR in CALL, but cautions prospective adopters to be prepared for unexpected challenges as they seek to accomplish three important outcomes of this research genre: 1) effective intervention(s), 2) enhanced theoretical knowledge, and 3) professional development. Description: Reeves, T., & McKenney, S. (2013). Language Learning and Design-Based Research: Increased complexity for sure, enhanced impact perhaps. In J. Rodriguez, & C. Pardo-Ballester (Eds.), Design-based Research in CALL (pp. 9-21). San Marcos, Texas: Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO).

Online Repositories of Learning Designs: Pipedreams and Possibilities

Title: Online Repositories of Learning Designs: Pipedreams and Possibilities Authors: McKenney, Susan Abstract: Around the globe both country-specific and international organizations have been exploring the potential of sharing digital resources for education, including learning designs. Repositories are created and used for a variety of reasons ranging from efficiency to innovation and even financial gain. While some commercial repositories have met with success in certain countries, few -if any- open access repositories have achieved sufficient critical mass to fully realize their goals. While research literature exists that can help specify characteristics of effective open access learning design repositories, we severely lack sufficient insight into how to design and launch for sustainable repository use that is consistent with the initiative’s goals. This paper presents observations and critical reflections with the aim of stimulating research that can help bring the repository vision to life in ways not yet achieved. Description: McKenney, S. (2013, 28 January-1 February). Online Repositories of Learning Designs: Pipedreams and Possibilities. Position paper for the Alpine Rendezvous Workshop on Teacher-led inquiry and learning design, Villard‐de‐Lans, Vercors, France.

Naar nieuwe vormen van kennis productie en -benutting

Title: Naar nieuwe vormen van kennis productie en -benutting Authors: Pieters, Jules; Voogt, Joke; McKenney, Susan; De Vries, Bregje; Westbroek, Hanna; Pareja Roblin, Natalie; Handelzalts, Adam; Walraven, Amber; Ormel, Bart Abstract: In een kennisintensieve samenleving is onderzoek niet meer het exclusieve domein van universiteiten en onderzoeksinstituten. De grenzen van systemen en organisaties waarbinnen kennisproductie plaats heeft, zijn aan het vervagen. Samenwerking en interactie tussen kennisproducerende en kennisconsumerende organisaties en individuen heeft tot gevolg dat er geen eenrichtingsverkeer meer is in de diffusie van kennis. Door globalisering en technologisering komt bovendien kennis voor iedereen beschikbaar. Ook binnen de onderwijskunde is dit proces de afgelopen 15 jaar op gang gekomen, getuige de deelneming aan de kennisproductie door instellingen in de verzorgingsstructuur in het onderwijs en recentelijk ook door leraren en lerarenopleiders. Description: Pieters, J., Voogt, J., McKenney, S., De Vries, B., Westbroek, H., Pareja Roblin, N., Handelzalts, A., Walraven, A., & Ormel, B. (2013). Naar nieuwe vormen van kennis productie en -benutting. Meso Magazine, 189, 25-26.
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